So it’s the first week I’ve known I am pregnant. From reading online strangely it appears I’m 4 weeks pregnant. The date is taken from the first day of your last period even though you are not officially pregnant until 2 weeks later… anyways… 4 weeks it is.
I did my last pregnancy test this morning first thing and again that line appeared. I think we can take it as definite now. Darren seems quite chuffed with his prowess. Leaving ‘It’s a Bullseye’ comments on my facebook page. I think he’s not wanting to get too excited as yet as its very early days. He’s maybe a little shocked its happened so soon. Men rarely tell you how they’re really feeling about things, so I just got to hope he’s as pleased as me.
At this stage Im trying to keep things to ourselves as much as I can for now just in case anything goes wrong. I’m a terrible liar though and someone at work asked me directly if I was pregnant. As it was someone who recently had a baby and I wanted to ask lots of questions to, I was honest. By the end of the day the 4 girls I work closest with all knew. It was impossible to try to talk about it without others overhearing so hopefully we can keep it in our little group.
I’ve been experiencing very bad cramping and a little bit of brown spotting. Darren makes me book in with the doctors although I don’t feel there’s much point at this early stage as so many sites on the internet say the doctors don’t really want to see you this early on. I’m getting nagged though… incessantly, so I go.
I found out on Sunday and the doctors appointment was Tuesday. The appointment was a complete waste of time and all it achieved was helping me to feel completely crap about it all. She spent the entire appointment talking to me about miscarriage and how common it was. She said I could start to bleed in the next few days and if I did, I had probably miscarried and there wasn’t much they could do about it. She asked about my pain and I explained the cramping feeling to her. Its exactly like period pain but maybe actually a bit worse. She doesn’t seem to want to take me seriously… again goes on about how common miscarriage is and asks me when the last positive pregnancy test I did was. She does tell me a miscarriage will do me no physical harm, just psychological.. (JUST!). She goes on to tell me I have to be careful of an ectopic pregnancy as that can be fatal! What a ray of sunshine!
She tells me to come back in 10 days with a urine sample so they can retest it. Left the docs feeling very deflated.
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