So Ive finally caught up! Week 18. I am currently 18 weeks and 4 days pregnant. I've had a pretty pants week feeling very sick but I think Im more used to it now than I used to be. I try to push through it to go online for little bits each day as it lifts my mind, but I am still resting on the sofa all day and not getting up until at least midday every day. So far in 3 months apart from the doctors and hospital, my only outings have been a cinema trip, a couple of hours at Darrens dads fiancees 60th do (that was on a particularly good day) and a quick walk around Asda. I'm going stir crazy with these 4 walls.
I havent slept at all at night for about a week now. I think I manage an hour or 2 in the mornings when Darren does to work so I just get as much rest as I can. One good development though is Ive started to feel the baby move at last. Its mostly at night in bed and it feels like lots of turning over and moving about. I have had a few little pokes though so I think they were kicks. Its reassuring to feel and to know the baby is there and reminds me why we're doing this and why Im feeling like this.
Its a bit scary approaching this weekend as its 19 weeks which is exactly 3 weeks since my last hospital admission. The second stay came 3 weeks after the first and the third came 3 weeks after the second... if I follow a pattern, I should be panicking now. I am absolutely determind, it is NOT going to happen this time.
This Thursday we were meant to be flying to Ireland to see my parents for the weekend. It would have been the only time I'd see my parents during my pregnancy and something I was really looking forward to. I was sure I'd be ok to go, but sadly not. We're having to miss the flights and the airport wont change them to a time later in the year when we may have been able to go (then again maybe not). We'd just need to book again as changing the flights cost about double what booking new flights would be. Darrens holidays are all used up anyways so I'll have to content myself with waiting til the baby is born and my parents visit then.
I have my 20 week scan to look forward to on 14th October, so thats my focus right now. Who knows, I may start to feel normal again by the end of the month.
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